AVON Pink Ribbon Day

On 11 June, on the Vistula Boulevards, nearly 7,000 participants learned about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and regular preventive examinations, combining education with fun and relaxation ...
On the Pink Ribbon Day, Jan Karski Vistula Boulevards were divided into special zones dedicated to the prevention of breast cancer and a healthy lifestyle.
On the stage, Dorota Wellman and Olivier Janiak conducted a series of interviews with experts: physicians, trainers and dietitians as well as celebrities.
The participants listened to the interviews resting on pink grass and on pink deckchairs in a unique relaxation zone in front of the stage.
The event was attended by a group of show business personalities, including: Justyna Steczkowska, Jessica Mercedes, Filip Chajzer, Karol Okrasa, Łukasz Jemioł, and many others.

Brill AV Media was responsible for comprehensive technical support by providing the sound and lighting systems.